How to remove Wordpress versioning, emoji scripts, admin bar
By default, Wordpress adds in an emoji script and it's versioning into wp_head, one may want to remove these for simplicity and security. The admin bar too can also be removed.
How to use single page pagination in Wordpress
Wordpress has a simple pagination system built in.
My pelican setup
Document some of the useful changes that I made to my pelican setup.
Might be helpful for newcomers ;)
How to add Google Map Embed API for websites
Embed and set up a Google maps window into your website or blog post which comes with unlimited free usage
How to increase Blogger post text font size
Blogger's default html font size for posts is a bit small. To increase the size of the body of your posts, the most intuitive way for many is to change the text size in the tool bar when writing a post. This comes with many inconveniences. A better approach is to add a CSS rule.
How to use MathJax to format HTML math expressions
Thu 27 August 2015
formatting math expressions with HTML and CSS alone is possible yet pretty frustrating,
a simpler and more beautiful alternative is to use MathJax, which is a JS display engine.
How to easily create HTML floating clouds using marquee
Thu 20 August 2015
The easiest way to create floating clouds is simply using HTMLs marquee tag and a cloud icon from font awesome.
No complicated animation needed.